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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Bullying is a HATE CRIME

In recent months the main stream media has been picking up more stories involving gay teens committing suicide over bullying.  From seventh graders to college students, the epidemic does not seem to be going away.  
                Over the last decade, there has been an increase in tolerance and acceptance for gay teens.  Mostly through positive role models, in particular the entertainment industry.  Stars like Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Lynch, Adam Lambert, Sean Hayes, and Ricky Martin all live openly gay lives and it seems that their peers and their fans accept them without question.   Why with positive role models, greater acceptance and tolerance, are gay teens committing suicide?
                Bullying of these teens caused them to commit suicide?  I would like to call this bullying what it really is; A HATE CRIME, pure and simple.  Bullying to me is teasing someone because they are not good in sports, taking a child’s lunch money (it happened to me), or just not being part of the “in” crowd in school.  Singling someone out because of their sexual orientation is a hate crime; motivated by fear and hatred towards that person or group of people.
                Tyler Clementi, Justin Aaberg, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, and Seth Walsh all committed suicide because of hate crimes.  Tyler was secretly broadcast over the internet with his partner by his college roommate.  Justin Aaberg and Billy Lucas hung themselves after being tormented by their peers.  Asher Brown shot himself after a year and a half of torment that progressed even after his parent informed the school board when it first started and nothing was done.  Seth Walsh attempted to hang himself in his backyard after years of emotional and mental abuse from peers, he later died in hospital.
                Jamey Rodemeyer from Buffalo committed suicide due to bullying and torment from peers in his school.  After his death the bullying has not stopped, and presently there is a police investigation into the harassment of his sister and family.  Please join the campaign for Jamey’s Law to protect people from this type of bullying. www.facebook.com/Jameyslaw?sk=info
I have to wonder what the parents think of their children’s behavior.    Do they worry that someday their child will be a victim of a hate crime, or do they just blindly think that they will grow out of it.  I have news for you; fear and hatred are learned behaviors.   There are days I am ashamed to be part of the human race, today is one of those days.

Monday 26 September 2011

Palestine for United Nations Membership? USA to veto? WTF?

    What infuriates me so much about this situation, is that the United States is so against it.  The United states claims that only continued peace negotiations between the two parties in the long bloody battle would achieve statehood.  In doing some research today, there are other states that are just as questionable, but remember Israel is a state, since 1947, Palestine is not.  Maybe the playing field needs to be levelled.

Since the late 1970s Afganistan has been in a constant state of war, involving militants, extreamists,drug cartels, trafficers, and the taliban.  Over the last decade with the war in Afganistan the United States and Canada have spent billions trying to keep the peace.  I think the only thing the Americans keep is close watch on is the pipeline through the country.  This country is a member state eventhough recently extreamists and possible governments hid the world's most wanted terrorist for years. 
     Kuwait was invaded and annexed by Iraq in the early 1990s.  The seven month occupation ceased due to USA troop intervention.  The Americans helped out for one reason--protect the oil and petroleum reserves.  Kuwait is the 11th richest country in the world with 95% of its exports being oil.  I think it is safe to say that the USA needed an ally in the gulf.
     Iran and Iraq are both member states of the United Nations eventhough each country has invaded, and occupied other states by force. Libya has been ruled by Gaddafi since a military style coup in 1969.  In 1977 Libya ordered strikes against Egypt for a proposed pease treaty with Israel, and Libya supplied arms to rebels in Chad that turned into an invasion the same year.  In 1986, with terrorism on the rise, Libya bombed a commercial jet killing hundreds of innocent people.  The United Nations still has Libya as a member even with the autrocities going on currently.
     Although Pakistan has the largest number of it's military in United Nations Peacekeeping Forces, it has a recent history of hiding out and supporting the taliban and its' followers.  Currently Pakistan is embattled with extream Islamic militants in its own country.
     Back in 1991, the USA went to the gulf war and many US troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia--protecting oil...The Saudi-US relations have strained since then due to 9/11.  Osama Bin Laden and more than 3/4 of the suicide highjckers were from Saudi Arabia.  Since the terror attacks on New York, many speculate that the country supports terrorism and extream Jihadism.
     Then there is Israel(this will be a loaded paragraph---I AM NOT ANTI-SEMETIC) This area of the middle east has been under states of war, sieges, and armed conflicts for more than 2000 years, so I will try to keep things to the later part of the twentieth century.  After the creation of Israel in 1947 various mid-east countries attcked, and this back and forth attacking between Israel and its' neighbors continues even to today.

When Palestine comes to the United Nations and askes for consideration for membership, why would the United States veto the request?  There are other member countries that have behaved badly, but it seems that economic and United Nation sactions are enough to put a bandaid on the situations for the short term anyway.  So this would be a great step for the Palestine people, solidifing their homeland as an offical United Nations member?  Would this not promote peace, or at the very least negotiations between Israel and Palestine, and ease tensions throughout the mid-east?
     So why would the United States not want this?  Perhaps the mid-east area is better economically for the United States if their is conflict.  It is much easier to have thousands of American troops in the mid-east (just in case) as democratic saviors. (they are really protecting the oil folks).  Due to confict, the price of oil remains high, the rich get richer.  So back in 1947, when the United Nations partitioned off Palestine and made Israel a state, what happened to the other half?  Why would you not make Palestine a state then too?

Friday 16 September 2011


Well, I really did not want to have to post this kind of thing, but as I have a blog and people can choose to read or not to read it, I have decided in the interest of free speech and my sanity that I will use this forum for my benefit.

I have to say that I hope the person this is intended for reads this or at least her friends tell her. Both myself and my boyfriend have blocked her from facebook and MSN, so she may not see this.  I have not mentioned names, but I am sure everyone in my world knows who I am talking about.

You need to stop trying to get him to go and party with you and his old friends.  He has a chance to have a real family, with someone who loves him and his daughter. He sees his daughter more now that he is better--meaning not partying and drinking all the time.  Do you actually think that he would give up time with his daughter to drink with you?  Or risk losing what he has now for you?  She is the most important person in his life.  She is more important than his family, than me, than his friends and especially his drunk exgirlfriend. 

I would like to hope you get help, I think you have some serious control and self-esteem issues,  You need to know that what you have done to us in the past and the present is considered stalking and harassment.  Your text messages, your phone calls, driving by our house, pretending you are someone else on facebook just to chat with him, and showing up at his work.  So instead of freaking out, I am wanting to help you, so here it is

---Alcoholics Anonymous--1-877-942-0126 for Western Manitoba

----Addictions Foundation of Manitoba--1-866-767-3838

-----Domestic Violence Unit----204-945-6851

I seriously want you to get help, because then you might be a happier person and learn to live with the decisions you made 3 years ago.  I would hope that if you do get treatment that the harassment stops, we have decided that if it does not stop we will be taking all the text messages(about 125) over the last two years, and the emails to the RCMP and will be getting a restraining order against you.  It is that simple.  I will not sit by and let you damage him any further, and I will protect him and his daughter from your self-destructive, adolesent behavior.

You need to move on with your life and I really hope you do.  I am sure your family would want that for you.
I hope that you call one of the numbers because they could help you sort out your life for the better.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Remembering 9/11

Well it is the tenth Anniversary of 9/11, when 9/11 happened, it was surreal, I know I could not believe it, and yet I was watching it live.  This weekend people will mourn all the innocent victims.  It has been a decade now and the general masses do not know why and how this could happen to a country like the USA. I guess I should state that many people have many different conspiracy theories that could have happened.  Here are my thoughts:

Why would terrorists attack the USA?

     Well even before Vietnam, The United States has wanted to "stomp out" communism, dictatorship, and totalitarianism around the globe, especially in countries that the USA has an interest in.  This type of vindication of attacking other countries for their own good and saving them from nasty corruption and manipulation from their current governments, and introducing (forcing) democracy to them; has left many citizens of these countries, especially Muslim countries, less than impressed with the western world and our values.  And if that was not enough, the USA continues to interfere with Iraqi and Afganistan oil production.  Oil and companies that own oil rights are a traded commodity; it is global now.  The United States is one of the highest fossil fuel burning countries, so they will need more oil.  If the USA does not secure its' future oil needs, what will happen in fifty years? 
     Then there are the Saudis.  During the administration of George Bush Sr, the USA had a mixed relationship with Saudi Arabia as a country, but when George Bush Sr visited Saudi Arabia, it was like a brother was coming home for a visit.  Perhaps backdoor deals between Haliburton and the Saudis, maybe something more, but most of the terrorists that overtook the planes in the 9/11 crashes were Saudi born.  Apparently maybe some Saudi extreamists did not like the close relationship the Bush family, Haliburton, and the USA had with the Saudi officals.  Many Muslim people see the USA as an extream western power, not only taking away their resources and economic future, they see the USA taking away their way of life, their religion.
     Or having an open mind, maybe twenty or so Muslim extreamists
got together one night and decided they would stab the western world in the heart and go to their deaths defending their way of life and their religion.  What city is the idealic view of the western world? New York; and that is just a small part of the story.  Why terrorists attack innocent people is beyond me.  It could be for the shock value, or it could be the message that "no one is safe", or maybe terrorists don't even think about that part of their plans.  The message is what they want to spread, the reason for their violence, the fact that thousands died maybe just collateral damage in their minds.

How did this Happen? Conspiracy anyone?

  This is a touchy subject but here goes.....There are several hundred websites out there, that want people to believe that not only was this a conspiracy, the twin towers in New York were destroyed not only by the airliners crashing into them, but by controlled demolition explosives.  Is it possible, it could be, but the amount of people needed to set the explosives, access to the buildings lower levels, planning the planes being hijacked and the timing to set things off perfectly would require months of planning, access to secured areas, and involvement of government agencies.  Certain government agencies would have to have known about the attacks for this plan to work.  If this is what happened, it does not surprise me that government agencies would turn a blind eye to a mass murder.  I know it is harsh, but think about the stories that are reported every day, does the government care about the individual?  The reason (if this theory is true) that people could turn a blind eye to this, sacrifice a few for the many reasoning, for the greater good,( would start conflict and give the USA reason to invade in the middle east--secure oil and petroleum resources), or maybe the agencies involved employed the largest number of sociopaths and they would let it happen and see where thing went after the destruction was over.

   It could be that the towers fell the way they did because it is what it is.  The amount of force of the planes, the intense heat softening the steel, and the close proximity of the two buildings were maybe the reasons why it happened that way.  Recreating this in a lab is just not possible, so applying the laws of physics should prevail here.
Buildings are not designed, especially ones from 1970s, to have jetliners full of fuel travelling 400 miles per hour explode on impact, and still be standing.  There is still a conspriacy here too.  There were 20 terrorists living in the United States, some taking flying lessons, all travelling the same day, and all passing security at the airport without any problems.  Seems way to perfect for me to believe it was just a fluke for those 20 or so terrorists. 

So what changed?
   Well maybe American freedoms changed.  The creation of Homeland Security made it possible for the United States Government to now restrict certian people from travelling(no fly list), protect the American public from terrorism by patting down 6 year olds at airports, and access to personal information.  Sounds like freedom right?  Maybe the terrorists hated what they did not have.  Maybe the message was that if you want to take what is ours, we will make your government take your freedoms?  Too far fetched but you have to wonder.  I think that as a North American, my ideas changed after 9/11.....and my views of Muslim people and their religion did not make me hate but made me ask more questions and educate myself. 

One thing that will always bother me....In university I was taking a class about history of warfare and the Prof quoted someone famous and said "the main reason for a country to build a military and protect its' citizens is because of war, it is good for the economy, " and that the only reason to go to war with another country would be to secure resources for the masses.  That is just too scary for me.  I always think maybe it might be better to sell everything and live in a cottage off the grid, much safer and alot less stressful. 

At any rate I think having an open mind about 9/11 would make things easier to understand, if we ever can.  I am still waiting for the government to tell us what really happened to John F Kennedy, and even Princess Diana.  I don't think the conspiritors on American soil will ever let the public know what happened on September 11, 2001, but my heart goes out to all of the people who lost loved ones, spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, children, friends, and coworkers. 

Edward Abbey wrote " a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government". 

Just Jenni

Friday 2 September 2011

2011 VMAs ---I wish I missed it!!!!

Well, I have to be thankful I did not waste the entire evening watching this crap, but I still watched some of it;  and if this is what music award shows are coming to, it will be the last.  There was so much advertising for the VMAs I thought maybe it would be worth it.  I was so horribly wrong.  And here is why these awards were shit:

1. Lady Ga Ga dressed as a man.  Well her music is one thing(very talented) however at the best of times she looks "ok" for a woman.  I mean there has been rumors she was a transgender anyway.  She makes a very fake and plastic man as well as overacting.  I mean really, how many times do you need to grab your crotch and purposely curse on live television.

2. Oh, I don't know why they let Kanye West out without a leash.  Not only in 2009 did he hijack country cutie Taylor Swift's spotlight, he is just so blatently needing attention he will do just about anything.  His performance with Jay-z was odd to say the least, akward choreography and horrible sound.  Here was someone else intend on grabbing his crotch, and perhaps he should wear clothing that actually fits.  There is always a time and place for his kind of antics and a awards show is not one of them.  The show seemed to be a hip-hop party in the front row thanks to Kanye jumping up and down, cursing and being his usual self......he needs an UNINVITE next year..

3.  The there is Nikki Minaj. OMG. It looks like she stole her outfit from a cross between rainbow brite, the easter bunny, and someone obviously doing some bad acid.  Her hair looked like an ice cream cone, and dress looked like those craft kits kids sew together.  And what is with the mask? Did you forget breath mints or gum?  Then she wins a VMA basically cos she was dressed like a whore and grinding her huge ass.  How is that a great video?  What about Lauryn Hill, Missy Elliott?  How is Nikki Minaj the best hip hop female artist? 

 4.  Then there was little Wayne....ok you can't sing, or rap, and maybe you should buy your clothes next time in the men's section and not the tween girls section of sears.  Enough said.

5.  Chris Brown is the most boring entertainer ever-even with dancers flying through the air.  He chose to lip sync, not a wise choice because he sucks at it, and his dancing is less to be desired. It was a horrible performance, and that is giving it a compliment. 

6.  Most people having a child with the one they love, announce it to friends and family first and perhaps keep it low key.  I personally am disgusted when women announce pregnancy on Facebook, but Beyonce decides to announce on more then a social media site, lets tell the world literally.  I just think it was in very poor taste, and for a lady like Beyonce, it was totally out of her character.  Not to mention, she has an amazing stage presence and voice, I just did not think the song she sang showcased her talents.

7.  Poor Katy Perry, I really had to wonder why she would collaborate with Kanye, however the much better artist is Perry and it did pay off for her. But she has to share the award with the asshole.  And usually Katy looks and dressed great, not on this occasion.  The yellow box on her head looked ridiculous, and the pink hair looked like she was a big stick of cotton candy.  Like her natural locks better.

8.  Then there was the weird side stage with Jessie J.  She is a great new artist and why would the producers have her singing her top forty remixes, I would have liked to her more of her music.

9.  I was trying to figure out the stage through the whole ordeal and finally I knew what was going on.  It looked like a big vagina with lights, bright colors, and tonnes of rappers coming out of the opening.  Next time don't ask Nikki Minaj if you can model a stage after one of her body parts...

10.  And finally the video vangaurd award goes to Brittany Spears. WTF..... are you serious? Are they actually putting her in the same category as previous winners such as The Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel, U2, The Beatles, Guns and Roses, and Madonna?  She is a pop princess creation with videos showing her tits and ass whenever possible with the same bubblegum pop bullshit.  What about artists like Eminem, Joss stone, Neil young, or even Kiss or Queen?  This was a lame ass move by the producers and MTV, they did this for increased viewer ratings.  She is so undeserving of this award, this was a disgrace. 

There was one moment when it was a awards show with live music; Brian May of Queen takes the stage. Although he had to share it with the fake he-she, he is an iconic rocker, the sound was great, he looked great,  even with grey locks.

Basically don't watch the rerun of the VMAs, it is totally not worth it.  You will be upset you lost 3 hours of your life.  It would be time better spent sleeping.

Just Jenni