Lately when I see my paycheque I wonder where is all the tax money going? And will a threat of a poor economy affect my money? Well I figure it will if we(taxpayers) continue to let our governments do nothing to help out the working middle class in our country. I keep hoping that our government will come out with more tax cuts for working families, but sadly that never happens and I guess to get any help from our goverment we need to be much worse off. But what exactly is worse off anyway?
When I see someone on the street(especially in a small town) that I know is on assistance(yeah welfare)texting on a blackberry, buying alcohol, gambling, or driving a relatively newer car, what the fuck....goes through my head. Personally, I think it is a sick joke on every taxpayer in our country. Not too long ago food, clothing and shelter were necessities, not blackberrys, ps3, alcohol, and new vehicles. Does social services even care anymore what our tax money is spent on? Our government agencies need to make stricter rules and regulations when it comes to handing our FREE MONEY.
Perhaps they should have a Work for Your Paycheck program(I know it sounds strange, but hell the rest of us do it). Just think of it. Someone would go into Social Service and apply for assistance due to not having any employment. Then as if it were a miracle, we have work for you! As long as you work 8 hours a day, you will be able to pick up your paycheck every two weeks, how does that sound? Sounds like a job to me....but as I suspect, most wanting a free ride would find some minimum wage job instead then quit once unemployment would kick in.
Do not get me wrong there is a legitimate need for assistance and then there are those who willingly take advantage. Those young able-bodied adults(our future) sitting on their fat lazy asses playing ps3 or xbox until all hours of the night and then sleeping until 3pm. Those same people who drive new cars, but have assistance pay their rent, hydro and food because they cannot afford it on their income. And don't forget all those people with blackberrys that don't work-seriously why would you even need it? To schedual a meeting for you and your loser friends to play ps3 all night, or to meet at the post office every two weeks to pick up your (free)cheque.
Sadly that behavior seems to be rewarded by government agencies and hurts the people who need and rely on assistance for survival. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!!!! Maybe you should actually work a day in your life. And by the way, looking after your own children is not a job it is called being a parent. I personally hope that every single one of you scamming on government money gets caught and losses your f---ing blackberry, your video games, your house, and your car, and know what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck--if you can even find a job. I take every tax break I can every year on my taxes--the less money for you lazy, cheating, liars to have. And just remember easy street does not last that long.
Caio Baby
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