For the past seven months, maybe a little longer, protesters and revoltutionaries in the Middle East and African Nations have be attempting and in some cases succeeding in overthrowing totalitarian and socialist leaders. The people of those nations want democracy-or at least that is what the United States and the press want you to believe. Just for shits and giggles I am going out on a limb here to state that these people may want a voice in their government, perhaps a change , but not necessarily democracy. They want jobs, a stable economy,a safe place for their children, a productive life, they want peace, not a war zone.
In September of 1969, a coup d'etat happened against King Idris; the Libyan Revolution and Moammar Gaddafi have been in power. Maybe now 42 years later, Libyans want change. What does this mean for this oil and petroleum rich country? Well it means the United States will intervene at some time in the future for the sake of "protecting" the nations' wealth(OIL); the United States will have a hand is assisting with the balance of power and maybe even in government duties.
Does anyone remember Panama? How well did democratization work there? In the beginning the people below the poverty line suffered the most; displaced by burned out and bombed out homes, economically destitute as over 10000 people lost employment. Democracy has been a slow and painful process. One has to wonder why the United States would need democracy in Panama, it would not have anything to do with the Canal Treaties? And then there is Afghanistan. Well let's just say that the pipeline had to be built-enough said.
So it is a democratic government for Libya. I have to wonder which oil rich nation will need the democratic asssistance of the United States next. It seems that democracy is working very well for the USA. The economy is booming, unemployment rates continue to fall, the citizens have a world class health care and educational system, and the majority of the demographic are middle class hard working families. Politicians are fair and the voice of the voting majority. After reading that, give yourself a good swift kick in the ass and wake the hell up! I was being facetious.
I can't wait to see what happens.
Just Jenni
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