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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Killarneys' Teen Birth Rate

    For some strange reason, our area is plagued with teen pregnancy; just walk down the street on any day and you will see teen mothers with one or two small children, some as young as 15.  Teen pregnancy in this day and age is now the acceptable norm, a decade ago it was still seen as "not a good" thing, girls would give up the children to families wanting to adopt, even earlier than that, young pregnant teens went to live with their "aunt" for a year or two.  After all teen pregnancy is contagious isn't it???  Babies having babies just adds to our current economic problems.  I am not sure if these girls realize just how difficult it will be to raise children on a fixed income.
      Many have dropped out of high school and do not even have a grade 9 education.  It seems to be a very sad and sorry statement not only about our morals in todays society, but on our lack of focus on education and programs for our youth.  These young girls and their children are going to be in the social services system for many years; putting an increased strain on our taxpaying pocketbooks.  Even more stressing to me is that we are creating a generation of young people with lack of responsibilities, uneducated, unskilled and poorly equipped parents.  Unfortunately most of these children will grow up in a single parent home with a breakdown of family values and benefits, needed by every child.
      I am troubled by the lack of options these young girls think they have.  It seems that adoption is not the option anymore and more of these barely teen moms are choosing to keep their babies.  I personally know at least 10 couples waiting to adopt.  In the short term it sounds great-teens taking responsibility for their actions, but down the road will it be the right choice?  The cost of having children has skyrocketed.  Would these young teens be able to provide adequate housing for their child?  Other basic needs?  Cost of any sports once the child is old enough?  What if the child was special needs?  Would they be able to save money for the child's college?  All these questions go thru my head when I see a mother that young.  What will our society be like in 15 years?  Will the children still be in the social services system?  Will their children be having chilren too?  I hope not...
     I would hope that some, even a fraction of these young teens realize the consequences and either abstain or practice safe sex with birth control.  It seems that option has been left by the wayside as well.  But it would be hard to learn about the best options for your future when you are sitting at home, pregnant at 14 instead of being in school and getting your education.  Basically our children are growing up too fast.  Blame it on social media, absence of proper role models, lack of education, lack of parental supervision , but that is another post......

(picture above is royalty free under copyright laws)

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